Day by Day

Philippians 6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

DSC_4736We’ve been here nearly four months (for the second time), and I have to say we are growing tired and weary. We have so much good news to celebrate, but we are so ready to not only have my health restored but our family life at home.  Months and months of this takes its toll and makes you wonder if you are still hanging on by a string.

We are trying to live in today and take it as it comes, but it is hard to not grow anxious. We are waiting for my magnesium to become sustainable with oral supplements and to get all of my blood counts tweaked just right. I’m also starting treatment for my central nervous system next week. This is the injection of methotrexate that’s injected sort of like an epidural. The goal is to kill any disease that could have been hiding behind the blood-brain-barrier during all of the other treatments. DSC_4423DSC_4751This will be a weekly injection for probably 4 doses if my counts stay in line. So, my goal setting didn’t quite match up with the physicians’, but I’m hoping things will pick up speed and we will be headed home before long.

My prayer is for Trust, letting go of the worry and  letting go of the fear – they like to pop up out of nowhere now and then. Please pray for the girls as they wrap up their school year here. They have mixed feelings about leaving here and going home. Jonathan’s parents are up to bat and have taken over the reins – they are doing a great job. Please pray for our entire family to transition home with energy, peace and strength.

Matthew 31 “So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ 32 These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. 33 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

34 “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.


4 thoughts on “Day by Day

  1. Dear April,
    Though I’ve been quiet, please know that I have been praying for you. Now I will pray that the menengitis will be nothing more than a short glitch in your “exit Houston” plan. May the peace and healing power of our Lord invade every fiber of your being. And I plan on seeing you all back in TN real soon!

  2. Dear April–we are thinking of you and your family a lot, and praying that the “tweaks” to the blood levels are going in the right direction, and sending love and hugs as you continue treatments to eradicate the last little stray bits (if there are any) of disease!

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