We are picking up speed here. I’ve completed 7 of 16 radiation treatments, my stem cell donor has been screened and approved, and my calendar is filling up with lots of tests: MRI, CTs, PETs, EKG, echocardiogram, pulmonary function tests, labwork, etc.
Today I will have an MRI to see if I should have intrathecal chemo (it is inserted like an epidural during labor and delivery) and would treat any lymphoma that is lurking in my central nervous system (which normally chemo doesn’t reach because of the blood/brain barrier). Please pray for wisdom for the radiologist and my lymphoma team to know what is best for me.
We haven’t had any luck with medical housing for our large family, but we think we are narrowing down on a 3 bedroom apartment near the medical center that can be furnished with a rental package. We are estimating that we will be here until mid-June. We are looking forward to being reunited with our kids and my parents, and things are finally coming together so that we can move forward with that.
There are many important medical dates approaching, but the most important are my admission into the hospital on March 10th and the actual stem cell infusion will be on March 17 or 18th. I am so thankful for a perfect match donor who is willing to do this for me despite me being a complete stranger – I do have to say I’m really curious about who this is. It’s amazing to me that we have more stem cell criteria in common than my own sister. I’ve heard from another patient that I can learn who the person is in 2 years.
Please be in prayer about this procedure. It comes with short-term and long-term risks, but the possible benefit of a new immune system that will fight the lymphoma in my body weighs more heavily than allowing this cancer to possibly pop-up in different areas of my body with my broken immune system.
We feel overwhelmed, of course, by all of this, but at the same time we feel blessed. I’m grateful to have treatments available, insurance that has approved my treatments, an unknown donor who is willing to help me, a husband who can work from anywhere, a family that would do absolutely anything that is needed, a school and church here in town that is reaching out to us in addition to our own church family back home, a beautiful and quiet home that has been opened up to us for these last couple of weeks while we get our feet on the ground, and all of you who are praying for us and giving us encouraging words. AND did I mention that we have a loving Heavenly Father who is holding us in His hands, Jesus who has given us a beautiful eternity to look forward to and the Holy Spirit who fills us with inexplicable peace when the anxiety starts to well up? God is good. All of the time. We must trust Him even when we don’t like our circumstances. So, day-by-day we must make a choice to hand it over to Him. Easier said than done, but we are a work in progress. 🙂
Please consider being a stem cell donor. It is a very simple process. Go to bethematch.org, they will mail you a swab for your mouth, and you mail it back. Please help me to pay it forward.