I’ve had another good week of treatment here in Houston. Since writing last time, I’ve had 4 more radiation treatments, and the lymphoma is visibly shrinking! According to my radiation oncologist, I will need 25 treatments, so they’ve scheduled me through June 17th. She is also insisting that I get the stem cell transplant at MD Anderson. I’m not sure of the timing of that, but I’m meeting with a stem cell doctor tomorrow (he also specializes in lymphoma), so I’m gathering up my many questions to ask about the process.
I’m still awaiting the results of the regular echocardiogram and the stress echo (which I completed yesterday). The doctor will call me to go over those results and also review the blood test results he ordered.
We’ve been able to throw in some more outings. I had a fun afternoon out with my friend who used to live directly behind us at home and Jonathan met up with 2 of his cousins for lunch last week. On Saturday, we spent the day in San Antonio. We saw the Alamo, the country’s oldest cathedral – San Fernando Cathedral, and took
a tour cruise of the Riverwalk. It was really fun and relaxing, but I was worn out! I’m not complaining though – I have a new appreciation for getting out and about. This is a picture of Jonathan in front of the Alamo, and one of me on the boat tour. With a wig, sunglasses and large hat, I felt a little like I was in witness protection. 🙂
I’ll update soon with test results and the stem cell transplant process, etc.