Chemo Regimen Changed. PET Canceled.

My lymphoma specialist felt the knots on my forehead yesterday.  She determined that not only are they not receding, but that they are growing. She said we can’t continue with the current chemotherapy regimen (R-EPOCH) because these tumors are resistant.  She also canceled the PET scan which was to immediately follow my appointment with her.  Based on the MRI, we are still looking at just this area on my forehead, and from her physical exam, she can tell that they are growing/active tissue – no need to go through a PET scan to tell that.

Sometimes tumors are resistant because they have mutations that don’t respond to the prescribed treatment.  I’m in the hospital now receiving a new chemotherapy treatment called RICE.  It isn’t any better or worse than the R-EPOCH – just some of the drugs are different, so we may get a better response.  We will just observe and see if the knots respond.  My doctor is also consulting with my physician at MD Anderson, and will have my previous biopsies run again to look for further mutations that may help with my treatment.

The attending physician just left my room. As usual, I had a million questions.  🙂 He assured Jonathan and me that there are more drugs/regimens to try if this one does not put me into remission. I will be in the hospital until Thursday – this regimen has a shorter infusion time.  It is also a three-week cycle as my previous R-EPOCH regimen.

Please pray for the effectiveness of this treatment, wisdom and discernment for all medical professionals involved, our complete trust/peace in God, and renewed energy as we moved forward.  I’m sure you can imagine the extensive range of emotions we are experiencing. Pray that our faith prevails and that God’s glory is seen through all of this.



11 thoughts on “Chemo Regimen Changed. PET Canceled.

  1. My Dear April,
    You know that we have you continuously in our prayers and thoughts. This morning while doing a little visit with the Lord and using the family devotional resource “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young I was so touched and want to quote from it: It says “the only way to keep your balance is to keep your eyes focused on Me, the One who never changes. If you gaze too long on your circumstances you become dizzy and confused. Look to me, refreshing yourself in My presence, and your steps will be steady and sure.” I know that you and Jonathan are keeping your eyes focused on Him – although there is some frustration, we really have minimal worry.

    With all our love,
    Dad and Mom (Solomons)

  2. We continue to pray for you and the family. You are showing amazing strength and faith. Remain strong!

  3. Thinking and praying continually for this to be the right treatment! Please know we’re here for you all, if we can do anything !!! Even a coffee run!
    Love to you ALL!

  4. Glad it remains localized! And glad to hear of the doctors’ tenacity. You are very blessed to be in the best medical care in the history of the world. Things would be so different for so many of us if God had not blessed our country as He has! Keep your chin up. We’re still in your corner.

  5. I know how weary you must be, but there’s no reason not to think that this new treatment will specifically target your cancer! Continuing to pray for you, your family, and the doctors and others involved in your care.

  6. April and Jonathan, you and the family are in my thoughts and prayers during this trying time. I am adding prayers for the new treatment to be quickly effective!

  7. I will be praying for wisdom for the doctors treating you. I am thankful that they have many options to try. I pray the one they are trying now will be the one that puts you in remission.

  8. April,
    We’ve been reading and staying on top of your posts…
    We pray that God crushes those lumps this time with this new treatment and it begins to rapidly reduce in size. We pray continued super-human strength for your heart and your family!
    -In Jesus Name!

    -Alex and Jenn

  9. During some Vanderbilt stair-walking last night, I came across Luke 11:9-12. While we are exhausted, we continue asking and expecting complete healing. Please pray that we see definite and continued improvement by Thursday.

  10. You’ve been in my thoughts continually over the past 24 hours. Praying for quick results with this new treatment plan.

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