MD Anderson: Day One Update

Here’s a quick bullet point synopsis of our first day in Houston.

  • Met Lymphoma specialist, Luis Fayad, MD and his P.A. this afternoon
  • They both listened to my history from where we started last spring/summer until now
  • Had TEN tubes of blood drawn for varying tests
  • Scheduling is pending for:
  • A new PET and CT scan (insurance wants a peer-to-peer review, because initially denying again)
  • Head and Neck Surgery Consult for biopsy ( to see if original diagnosis is correct or if it has “transformed”) and “making me pretty” – wants to fix the asymmetry to my eyes
  • Ophthalmology Consult for blurry vision and mass near eye
  • We were encouraged to know that my treatment at Vanderbilt parallels what they probably would’ve done at MDA
  • All of the consults and imaging/testing results will help Dr. Fayad determine the next best steps for treatment

We feel very blessed to be in an amazing medical center area.  We had no idea that not only is MD Anderson in this proximity, but many many other high level hospitals and research centers.

Thank you for all of the encouragement and prayers!  We are trusting God one day at a time to give us a clear path for answers and the best treatment.

8 thoughts on “MD Anderson: Day One Update

  1. Our prayers are with you and trust you are in great hands. MDA has a great program and the best doctors. Please let us know if there’s anything we can do to help.

    Ricky, Laura and family.

  2. I talked to your Mom this afternoon. Everything is going well here on the home front. Concentrate on each consult and appointment sweet cousin and don’t worry about ANYTHING here. You are in the best place medically AND you are firmly In His Grip.
    With love and prayers, Angie

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